The Lynn Twins

“Forrest and Tucker are identical (Monochorionic diamniotic) twins who were diagnosed with selective intrauterine growth restriction (sIUGR). They were not expected to make it past 20 weeks gestation and were monitored closely throughout the pregnancy knowing that every day longer inside my body meant a better chance at survival. We prayed every day for one more day, all while waiting for the day that we’d be told something was wrong and the boys would have to be delivered.

With several scares throughout, by the grace of God we made it to 33 weeks and 4 days. On that day, Tucker was not responding well to any of the fetal assessments and we had to have a C-section. Tucker’s side of the placenta had stopped providing his body with the blood and nourishment he needed to survive. When he was born, he was rushed to the NICU to receive a life-saving blood transfusion. Both babies were put on oxygen and placed in incubators. After the C-section, I became violently ill. It took almost 10 hours before I was well enough to finally see them again. I’ll never forget looking at their tiny bodies for the first time since delivery, so exposed and with so many wires and tubes coming out of different places. The urge to hold them and take away all their discomfort nearly destroyed me.

After 12 days in the NICU, Forrest came home. Leaving Tucker behind and alone was even more difficult than leaving the first time without both of them. Tucker remained in the NICU for another 12 days before our family was all together. We have an older son who also needed his parents. Splitting time at home and the NICU tore my heart to pieces. Trying to be what all my children needed at once felt impossible. It was the most difficult season of my life.

Because of a million prayers along with the support of a lot of incredible people we made it to the other side. We have three beautiful and healthy boys now and the twins are thriving despite how their journey started. We are thankful every day.” NICU mama, Tara

Amy Finn