NICU Warrior - 24 Weeker

“Our Sophia Ruth was born at 24 weeks and weighed 1lb 9oz. My water broke and had a breech delivery 48 hours later. The first two weeks were touch and go. My husband and I were able to hold her for the first time after 6 days and have held her everyday since.

After two weeks, we were told the pharmacists may go on strike, so they transferred her to another hospital for 10 days, 60 miles away until the negotiations were resolved. The first two months of the NICU were numbing. We spent the holiday season from Thanksgiving through New Years in the NICU. I cried every day for a month.

Sophia was and still is a fighter. Sophia Ruth kept the nurses and doctors on their toes by pulling out CPAPs, feedtubes and at one point her PICC line. She also received 5 blood transfusions. The best advice I received was when I held Sophia to make sure I was at a resting heart rate. So, I started a gratitude journal, and daily meditation before holding her. I also created a playlist called Sophia's NICU to help me get through the hard times.

Sophia Ruth is truly a miracle and was constantly beating the odds by breathing on her own at 32 weeks and bottle feeding at 36 weeks. Sophia Ruth was able to go home in 104 days, just shy of one week from her due date. One doctor said “Sophia is Valedictorian of the NICU.”

I would not be able to get through this experience without my faith in God, my family, friends, colleagues, my NICU mentor, dedicated doctors and nurses. She is now 2 years old, a free spirit and fearless. Our warriors need you as much as we need them. Keep the faith!” NICU Mom, Judy

Amy Finn