Sebastian's Birth Story

"My birth story began when I went in for an induction for a vbac. Things progressed slowly then went horribly wrong. I felt an immense amount of pain and Sebastian’s heart rate dropped. They immediately pushed furniture out of the way and called for emergency c-section. There it was discovered I had experienced a uterine rupture with a bladder ruptured. Sebastian’s umbilical cord showed lack of oxygen so they immediately took him to the NICU for further examination. I was in and out of consciousness and on my death bed. I went through 5 hours of surgery to repair my uterus and bladder. Once I was awake I was able to meet Sebastian although he was encased in a glass container completely fully of gauze/cooking treatment casting and EEG-wires. We met each other while he was on his way into an ambulance to Yale NICU. I soon there after was transported to Yale for my own treatment and recovery. I lived for 2 weeks on a floor below him, wheeled to him as many times as day as I could hoping for answers everyday that he would be healthy and not sustain irreparable damage. I was released from the hospital before him and had to make the difficult decision to stay with him or my anxiety filled toddler at home. It was the most horrible time of my life. I lived with a catheter for almost 2 months caring for my two children. I was able to hold Sebastian finally at 9 days old and I was also able to feed him not with a feeding tube at 2 weeks old. The memories of this day live with me every single day of my life. I am lucky to be alive, as is Sebastian, and we are so grateful that he sustained no brain damage and is a perfectly healthy baby boy!

He is now 18 months old and I am able to share my story. The nurses and doctors in the NICU saved my life and my sons life, they brought hope and peace to our lives everyday and for that we are forever thankful.
I will always remember their faces. Every single one. " NICU Mom, Stephanie

Amy Finn