Aspen's NICU Journey

“My pregnancy with Aspen was an absolute breeze up until my 20 week ultrasound. Apart from a little fatigue I basically had no other symptoms in the first trimester (unless craving chocolate cake counts!).

At our scan, we were told our baby was growing perfectly on track. Everything was formed as it should be and she was measuring slightly ahead. Unfortunately however, I was 2cm dilated and had to be rushed into an emergency cervical cerclage to try to prevent pre term labour. As a first time mum I was terrified. We had a high chance that by doing the surgery, or not doing the surgery we could lose her.

Luckily, everything went as planned and I was stitched up and sent on my way with restrictions on movement.

At 25+5 I started feeling period like cramps while I was working. Thinking they may be braxton hicks I contacted my hospital and they called me in to get checked over as precaution. While in the hospital my water broke.

I ended up admitted and a few days later Aspen was born at just 26+2 gestation. She weighed just over 1kg, and was such a little fighter from the get go!

We spent 3 months exactly in NICU and SCN with cpap, high flow and a tube for feeding while she rested and grew.

Looking at her now you'd never know she was born early. We've just celebrated her first birthday and she is hitting all her corrected milestones with a sassy attitude and cheeky smile.

The 3 months in NICU were the hardest days of mine and my partners lives, but we are so thankful we have our beautiful girl lighting up our lives.” NICU Mama Laura

Amy Finn